Thursday, September 20, 2007


Man, God is sure doing something in me. Not sure exactly what that something is but I'm, for one of the first times in my life, actually enjoying this waiting time and being patient. I know it's only been a week, but it's still exciting. Usually patience for me is something I have to fight at to get and something I need to constantly remind myself to ask for. It's easier for me to worry, and I can easliy give in to it. But, this last week, I haven't worried and I have been blessed with patience. Ok, now that I wrote that, it sounds strange and gloaty (is that a word?) but I don't mean it that way. I feel that for the almost two years since my dad's death I have begged for patience regarding my place in life. While tomorrow I may get impatient again, today (and the last week) I have not been, and for that I am grateful to my God. He is so good!

Last Wednesay, (two days after my interview) I felt like God was calling me out of hoping for that job. And, lo and behold, I was pleased as punch to follow is His leading and stopped thinking about the job. I almost even forgot about the position until they called yesterday to tell me they were "pursuing someone else, but it was close and I am next on the list". Heh. First- next on the list??? Do you really want to tell people that? What if you have to move to that next person? Do you want them to know that they were your second choice? Maybe it's just me, but I thought it was funny. Second- I let him know that God was calling me into something different and I was glad they were pursuing someone else, but "thank you for taking the time to meet with me". He almost seemed a bit shocked that I said that, but oh well. I'm at peace with the situation. I still want a new job, but I am happy to wait for just the right thing.

I've also had a good friend speak into my life and tell me things she thinks I should be doing and things I shouldn't even apply for because she knows me and knows I'd ultimatley hate it and that wouldn't be Glorifying to God. I'm praying about the things she's asked me to consider (more working with students in a more concentrated, even in a pastoral way- yikes!). It's scary, but I want to listen to the Lord and wait on His timing. I know the things I like to do (wedding/event planning) but is that what He wants me to do? Is that how I can best honor Him with my life? In what way can I serve Him better? In what way can I bring Glory and Honor to the Almighty? In what capacity will I point people to Jesus? Many of these things are just things that I'm searching out in my "non-work life", but I want to have a ministry in my "work life" as I think all Believers are called into ministry no matter where they are. Yes, as long as I'm walking with Him and following His leading I'm honoring Him with my life, but of course I want that to translate into my "work life" as well. Does that make sense? It totally did in my head. ;)

So, I wait. I know it'll happen when He's ready for me to move on to a new job and out of this "transition phase" and in the meantime, I'm loving this sweet time with God.

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